
The School of Public Safety is currently expanding to include careers from other public safety sectors, which will provide our students with the possibility to expand our El Camino College Credit program. Below represents our current offerings. 
9th - UCCI Forensic Biology
  • Students approach Criminal Justice through a biologist's point-of-view. With hands-on labs, students are able to apply their knowledge of the law and criminal justice to biological phenomena. Some lab investigations include: Fingerprinting, Crime Scene Reconstruction, Blood Typing,  and the Impact of Biomes on Biological Evidence. This course provides students with the "d" science credit and is in place of Biology. 
10th - Introduction to Admin. of Justice (AJ100)
  • Students learn about 
10th - Fire Protection Organization (FTEC 1)
  • Students learn about 
11th - Introduction to Emergency Management (AJ21)
  • Students learn about 
11th - Hazardous Materials (FTEC 10)
  • Students learn about the American Criminal Justice System from citizens’ rights and structure of government, to our court and prison system.  Students will be able to recite the Miranda Warning and understand what each sentence refers to regarding rights.Finally, students will be made aware of the various types of Criminal Justice Careers and what they do.
12th - Introduction to Homeland Security (AJ10)
12th - Introduction to Terrorism & Counterterrorism (AJ26)
  • Students learn about