Freshman Exploratory Engineering (Period 6) Assignments

Lucas Pacheco
2018-2019 School Term
Career Technology Education

This one-year elective course is the Freshman level, introductory course for the Hawthorne High School of Manufacturing and Engineering (Engineering Academy).  Units of study are based on the National Standards for Technological Literacy, and include 3-D Computer Modeling, Prototype Design and Fabrication, Robotics and Automation, Flight Technology, Aeronautical Design , Propulsion Systems and Rocketry, Kinetic Energy and Energy Storage as well as Mechanical Advantage.  This course fulfills 10 credits of the elective requirement for graduation.

Assignment Calendar

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Past Assignments



***Use the pictures attached as an example of what I am looking for****
This is what an A grade looks like
Hello Everyone, 
We have made it through your first year at Hawthorne High! Congratulations. 
We have spent many months exposing you to the world of engineering and I hope you now see the world differently. As this was my goal in my teachings to you. 
I would like to ask you to create a google doc listing the items you learned in my class. This is a simple reflection of our year together. it can be in what ever format you feel can explain what you took away from sitting with me. 
It can be a simple as a list, bullet points. It must include all things you learned from August until now. 
I will go over how to complete this in class, it will be due by the end of school Wed June 12th. You must share the document and email me that you have shared it with me. 
I am happy to have your interest and I am looking forward to seeing you participating in engineering classes in the future. 
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 
Good Luck and enjoy your summer!  



Please fill out this survey. 



Please use this file for notes and lecture. 



Please Use this file to copy 5 words per day. 



Please use this file to create a google slide answering the questions about living in space. 



Please use this document to draw the air racer on a full sheet of paper life size. 
Use the blue print that is in inches. 



Please Copy these words into your notebook. 
5 words each class period. 



Please use this document for you current assignment about space. 
Answer all of your questions on a google slide. You may add pictures for extra credit. 



Traveling and Living in Space



  1. Reliable, inexpensive rockets are the key to enabling humans to travel, work, visit, and commercially develop space.
  2. There are many reasons for going into space, including colonization, intelligence surveillance, international diplomacy, natural resources, research, satellites, and advancing technology.
  3. Humans must adjust their diets, hygiene, clothing, recreation, and sleep patterns in order to survive in space.
  4. Engineers use technology on the moon to research, design, and build appropriate equipment to solve problems related to the topography and atmosphere found on the moon.


Performance Objectives

It is expected that students will:

  • Explore the history and development of rocketry, space flight, and living in space.
  • Discover the basic principles of flight and rocketry.
  • Investigate how changes in various design characteristics of a rocket will affect the rocket’s performance.
  • Know that a rocket must overcome the forces of gravity and drag in order to escape the atmosphere.
  • Understand that an orbit is the balance of gravity and an object’s tendency to follow a straight path.
  • Use an immersive learning simulation to select optimal components for a lunar robot’s engine, power source, tires, body type and sensor system to save stranded astronauts on the moon.
  • Understand the challenges that engineers face to provide safe travel and optimum living conditions in space.


Essential Questions

  1. How does a rocket travel from Earth to the moon?
  2. What is the purpose of the International Space Station?
  3. How is living in space different from living on Earth?
  4. What do humans need in order to live in space? How do they breathe? What will they eat? How will they produce power? How will they shower and use the bathroom?
  5. What are some technologies developed by engineers that help astronauts live comfortably in space?
  6. What are some benefits of using a robotic rover on the moon?
  7. How do the research and experiments conducted in space benefit life on Earth?



Choose 4 slide to research: Create a google slide detailing information you found. 

Pick the most interesting topics, I want pictures, bullet points of 10 interesting facts each topic. 




Please Copy the first 5 words of vocab into your notebook. See PDF Space Vocab.
Please choose one Career and 2 Flying Machines from the PDF to research. Use the Aerospace Careers PDF to complete the following.
You already have a google slide of these flying machines, add a slide after the slide you already have to create two new slides to show what you found in your research. 
First Slide about Careers
  1. Which career did you choose to read about? Why?
  2. Where do people with this engineering career work?
  3. List four interesting facts that you discovered about this career.
  4. Add a description of the career use the PDF EngCareerDescriptions to help you.
Flying Machine History Slide Please Answer the following questions about any 2 machines you choose. 
  1. When was the aerospace vehicle invented?
  2. Who invented it?
  3. What is the vehicle’s history?
  4. What was the vehicle’s purpose? Was it used to carry individuals or equipment?
  5. Did it fly successfully? If so, how long before it was operative?
  6. What technology was necessary in order for this aerospace vehicle to be functional?
  7. What were some of the challenges the inventor faced while designing the vehicle?
This is due in an email today. 



Please use this PDF read and answer the questions for on the slides in your own google slide. 
One slide per. Basically copy the slides and answer the questions starting at Seaplanes on page 5. 
Add your own picture of each type a vehicle.
This is due today.
I added a partial example of what I want your slide to look like. 



Use this file to follow along with lecture. 



Everyone should be wrapping up the Toy Company toys and presentations slide in google docs. 
6 toys one slide each for a C. 8 toy slides for an A. 
Title Page: Name of Company, Year Founded, Names of People in Group
Company Description: What themes are you toys designed for.
Toy Slide: Pictures Price and Descriptions.
All due Monday!!! 
Once you are done with this you should all individually design your last solidworks project. 
Design a Watch, Any watch, but must be a watch.  



Now that you have been working on you wooden toy company I would like to see your progress. 
I have taught you how to save your toy as a JPG (picture) please take all of your toys and insert them into a google doc and create a doc that names your toys with a picture next to them. 
Everyone needs to share this doc with me by the due date. 
Google Doc with JPG pictures for all toys. 
Next you should start working on your presentation. Basically you will use google slide to make a slide for each toy with JPG Picture of your toy with a price and description, this slide should sell your toy. So my suggestion is to look at a web page that sells wooden toys and copy the format. 
If you complete the above two items and share them with me each of you will be responsible for designing your own watch in solidworks. Any watch digital or analog (regular watch) save it as a JPG. 
Even though I am at a robotics competition I expect all of you to keep working on your projects. 
I am impressed by the progress that all classes have made. Look at your first toy train and compare that to your toy today! you have made progress. 



Self Advocacy Survey





Please see the attached PDF to start your Wooden Toy Company
Use all of the skills you have learned during the semester to form and document your company. 
Currently you have been designing a wooden toy train. This has taught you enough to become your own wooden toy designer. This project you will use your skills in sketching, 3D modeling and presentations to sell your newly formed WOODEN TOY Company. 
Please see the PDF to complete the project. I will help you design you toys, only if you have pictures(google image search) or sketches. 



1.         I would like everyone to save a JPEG of your train, this is a file format for a picture. This                    needs to be saved to your google drive. 
2.         Everyone, needs to share a google doc or email me with the following info for your group                  project. 
Name of your Group Name of your Toy Company  (school appropriate)
Names of the people in the group
Themes of  your Toy Company  MIN 2



Please copy these words into your vocab! 



Please create an account at this website with your school email address. 
I would like you to take the career assessment so we can start having a conversation about what we all want to be when we grow up. 



Please use this document to practice isometric drawings. 



Please use this drawing to practice isometric sketching. 
You must complete all drawings for full credit due next class. 



Please use this drawing to take your quiz. 
You will be assigned a column to draw a min 4 isometric items from your assigned column. 
I will provide you isometric paper. 
Must use rulers for all lines and mark the # of the item you are drawing. 
Be sure to add your name and period. 
No talking if you need help raise your hand. 
Good Luck try your best and do not stress. 



Please use this sheet to practice drawing isometric drawings. 
You will choose a min of 8 items from this sheet to draw.  8 items done correctly equals a C grade. 11 items for a B  and 14 items for a A. 
Please count the cubes and draw them as accurately as possible on the provided isometric graph paper that is on my desk at the rear of the room.  
There will be a quiz on this exact exercise on Friday!!! You will be asked to draw a min of 6 items from this page. 



Today your group should be finishing up the pull toy build.
When you need to get a grade: I will grade you Friday
  1. Complete the pull toy as much as possible today
  2. Take pictures and video of the pull toy moving
  3. Add the pictures and video to your school google drive
  4. Take apart your pull toy
  5. If you are done with the pull toy, you are required to build a min of two items from the picture labeled fischertechnik designer. Example a car and scooter.
  6. Picture of the two item build in your drive. 
Pull toy construction. 
Please look at these pictures for ideas.  
Your group will be designing and building a pull toy with a minimum of 2 mechanisms. 
Please go to and look up the following key words. 
Pull Toy Mechanisms
VEX Pull toy
Google Search: fischertechnik vehicles



Please add these word to your vocab section in your notebook. 



No building today!
Take a look at the mechanisms that you used to build over the past few weeks. 
Choose three (3) and create a google doc of example you were able to find online. 
Slide 1 Example
Name of Mechanism (Bevel Gear) 
Where do you find these? Do a google search for the following:
Add pictures of examples and links. 
You should have a minimum of 3 slides with 3 different mechanisms. 
This is due to me by end of class today. 
Share the slides and email me that you completed them 
Have a good day! 



Mechanisms Build Lab
Mechanical Systems

Each group of students will build the first five mechanisms: universal joint, bevel gear, simple gear with idler, worm and wheel, crown and pinion and rack and pinion. After each mechanism is built, students will answer questions in their Engineering notebooks using the IQIA (include question in answer) format.


Clean up will be at 11:05 Period 4 and 1:15 Period 5/6 Everyday. Please take apart your mechanism and return the parts to the correct bin. 



Please use these files to help build your projects.



Please Copy these vocabulary words into your notebook in your vocabulary section. 



Exploring Ancient Technology 
Please Watch the following Video on ancient technology on your computer. Make sure you use your headsets, or use the head sets in the box at the back of the classroom. I do not want everyone to hear your video.
This is just an example of all the things that the ancients have created. Please take notes on your 4 technologies that you found interesting in your engineering notebook.
What was the Technology?  Example Glass:
Who used the technology?                  Greeks
How old is the Technology?                 800 years
Do we still use this technology?      Yes, everyday
*** If the video does not work**** You will still research the following: Just use the list of ideas below.
Now that you have watched the video, please choose any two  ancient technologies to research does not need to be from the VIDEO. It maybe one from the video or another technology you found or heard of. But it must be from the 1800's or earlier.   
Example: Ancient Technology-Paper. 
Make a single google slide with information you found about the technology. 
WHO: What civilization? 
WHAT: Name of Technology
WHERE: what part of the world?
WHEN: Do your best to mark the time period for this technology
HOW: is it used?
Add pictures.  
Ideas for research: You can use anything from the list below, or find your own.
Running water
Use this link to find more ideas for ancient technology
What's Due: 
Engineering Notebook: Notes on the video with 4 technologies from the video. See above
Research 2 ancient technologies take notes in your notebook. What ever is on your slide should be in your notebook.
Create a single google slide for each technology and share it with me. You should have 2 google slides one for each technology.
This activity should make you think about how long humans have been engineering our world.   



Please use the following PDF to help you research some of you favorite engineering branches. 
We have already introduced you to the basics of all of the 17 disciplines. You have taken notes and seen me use picture and or video to help explain what each branch does.  
This is your assignment;
I want you to take the 2 top engineering, 1 branch that you didn't know anything about and 1 branch that you don't like. branches and create a google slide show. Must be completed on your school account.
Slide 1- Define the Branch, giving brief examples of the types of jobs they have. (you can copy the info from the PDF)
Slide 2- Insert Pictures of what they work on- with captions. Do your best to explain what you think they do or work on. 
Slide 3- Find short videos and watch the videos that explain their jobs. copy the links on this page. 
             Example do you Youtube search on mechanical engineering
Please do this for each of the branches. 
4 branches of engineering 
12 slides total.
This will be due in class on Sept 10th