WT Press, Pictures & Videos
2024 -2025 Wood Technology Pathway Updates and Accomplishments
- Increase in Dual Enrolled Course Offerings Beginning this 2024-2025 School Year
- Wood 1B now Articulated with ECC CTEC 200 General Cabinet Making (2 Units)
- Wood 2 now dual enrolled with ECC CTEC 202 & CTEC 201 (2 Units Each)
- CTEC 100 and CTEC 110 offered again after school (4 units each)
- 14 Units Total Now Offered by Wood Tech Pathway!!!
- Recruited and Onboarded 20 Students for 2024 Summer Pre-Apprenticeship
- Students Participate in Work Based Learning Projects
- Each Receiving $300 Stipend from South Bay Workforce Investment Board
- Wood Lab Improvements and Installation of Upgraded Machinery Underway
- Martin Machines T54 Jointer Surface Planer
- Martin Machines T45 Planer
- Dust Collection Upgrades
- New Material Storage Structure Under Construction
- Continuing Wood Tech Enterprise - Student Led Enterprise for 2024-2025 School Year
- Paid Student Internship
- 190 Paid Hours Available to Each Student Intern
- High Quality Projects and Growing list of Satisfied Customers
- HHS Marquee Letter Sign
- LEAPS Marquee Letters and Light Boxes
- 100 Laser Engraved Clipboards for HHS Learning Walks
- Replacement Hawthorne High School Hall Passes
- 500 Custom Designed and Engraved Promotional Keychains for Pathway
- Leuzinger High School Book Houses for Equity Coordinator
- Ikea Grow Room Garden Dome for Parkland Conservancy to Use at BeachLife Festival
- Name Tags for Southbay LGBT+ Center
- Completed so far this year…
- Currently in Progress…
- In Discussions or Design Process for Many More Including …
- Additional Shop Projects and Design Projects - Completed so far this year…
- Completed Installation of Shop Kitchenette Cabinets
- 24 Foot Miter Saw Station Almost Complete
- Doors, Drawers, and CounterTops for Shop Kitchenette
- 500 Custom Designed and Engraved Promotional Keychains for Pathway
- Completed so far this year…
- Currently in Progress…
- Instagram Frame for ASB Class of ‘27
- Lloyd High School Hall Passes
- 50 PTSO Key Chains
- Upcoming…
- Restoration of Wooden Lockers
- Work Bench Restoration
- CTEC 100: Building Fundamentals
- Registering Final Spots for Fall 2024
- Students will continue construction on Material Storage Shed
- Every student will attain OSHA 10 Certification through their participation in the class
- CTEC 110 Spring will be offered in Spring 2025
- Preparations underway so that every student will earn NCCR Certification through their participation in the class
- Residential Remodeling Trainee Certificate of Accomplishment from ECC earned for completion of CTEC 100 and CTEC 110
2023 -2024 Wood Technology Pathway Updates and Accomplishments
- Wood Tech Enterprise - Student Led Enterprise - High Quality Projects and Growing list of Satisfied Customers
- Completed so far this year…
- Lawndale High School Hall Passes
- CVUHSD Marquee Letters
- Parkland Conservancy Name Tags
- Clipboards for Baby Shower
- 100 Custom Engraved Bamboo Cutting Boards for Realtors
- Marquee Letter Sign for City of Lawndale
- 100 Custom Designed and Engraved Promotional Keychains for Realtors
- Hawthorne High School Hall Passes
- Repairs made for ASB
- Art Easels for TADA
- Instagram Frame for ASB Class of ‘27
- Lloyd High School Hall Passes
- 50 PTSO Key Chains
- Currently in Progress…
- HHS Marquee Letters
- LEAPS Marquee Letters and Light Boxes
- 100 Laser Engraved Clipboards for HHS Learning Walks
- In Discussions or Design Process for Many More Including …
- Leuzinger High School Book Houses for Equity Coordinator
- Ikea Grow Room Garden Dome for Parkland Conservancy to Use at BeachLife Festival
- Name Tags for Southbay LGBT+ Center
- Additional Shop Projects and Design Projects
- Completed so far this year…
- New Carved Sign with Logo Created with New CNC Shaper Tool
- Promotional Wood Tech Keychains
- Restored Work Benches
- Completed and Installed 32 Feet of Shop Storage Cabinetry
- Chopstick-Making Jigs for Interactive Makers Faire and Future Public Events
- Golden Hammer Awards
- Currently in Progress…
- 24 Foot Miter Saw Station Almost Complete
- Shop Kitchenette Cabinets Designed, Constructed, and Being Installed
- Launched Paid Internship / Student-Led Enterprise
- 6 students received stipend from SBWIB for their assistance in organizing and improving the wood tech lab and for creating over 100 hall passes for Lawndale High School
- Massive student response to recruitment effort and big turn out to group interviews
- Narrowed from over 60 applicants to final 20 interns selected
- Attracted high caliber motivated students
- Learned the internship enrollment process and helped to create notes to simplify the process in the future
- 18 Students Completed 20 Hour Blueprint for Workplace Success Job Preparation Training
- Created Wood Tech Enterprise as ASB Club and elected club officers
- First paid project was completed 3 months ahead of schedule in time to be prominently displayed at Community Partner Breakfast
- Anticipated 1 project per quarter and WTE currently 6 completed and several more in progress
- Successfully Launched Saturday Work Days
- In addition to paid interns, providing outlet and alternative activity for students to earn Saturday School Credit
- Completed every scheduled Saturday School Work Day
- Recruited and Onboarded 20 Students for 2024 Summer Pre-Apprenticeship
- Secured $500 Student Scholarship for Isaiah Soto from one of our satisfied Wood Enterprise Customers, Joebellarue Homes
- Launched Social Media for Pathway
- Updates and Improvements to Website
- Alignable
- Tiktok (Coming Soon?)
- Work Based Learning:
- “I BUILT THIS” in LA Field trip
- Field Trip to ECC Construction Technology
- Guest Speakers: SW Carpernter’s Union
- SBWIB Job Fair at ECC
- Dual Enrolled Course Sequence Created and Launched
- CTEC 100 Fall
- Designed Material Storage Shed
- CTEC 110 Spring
- Construction Underway for Material Storage Shed
- 7 Students Earning Residential Remodeling Trainee Certificate of Accomplishment
- Presented on Dual Enrollment at Cerritos College Wood Manufacturing Technology Wood Institute
- And as always, Wood 1 students in the introductory course make a series of fun, engaging, beautiful projects that they customize and keep.